这几天弄服务器, 用ssh通过域名连接的时候总是出现超时(域名只有一个A记录即服务器IP), 问题下面是分析思路,

I’m trying to use ssh to connect my server with my domain name ssh [email protected], but I always get timeout. However I can connect my server when use my server ip directly ssh [email protected], so I use dig to check the ip address of my domain on DNS, the output is:

dig davidzhu.xyz  +short

dig www.davidzhu.xyz  +short

But I only have one A record on my domain, this is the DNS Record of my domain name (the third one is about the google search console):

惊不惊讶, dig返回的两个IP地址竟然都与我域名的A记录不同!

原因是我的域名开启了 Cloudfalre 的 reverse proxy, 通过域名获取到的是 Clouflare 的IP, 无法访问到我服务器真实IP:

When you add your application to Cloudflare, we use this network to sit in between requests and your origin server.

Cloudflare does this by serving as a reverse proxy for your web traffic. All requests to and from your origin flow through Cloudflare and — as these requests pass through our network — we can apply various rules and optimizations to improve security, performance, and reliability.

关闭 Cloudflare 反向代理就可以通过域名获取到服务器真实IP了:

此时可以看到现实 DNS Only, 使用 dig xxx.com +short 即可查到真实绑定 ip, 或者 ping 也可以.

另外通过Cloudflare 域名托管机制(就是现在我们操作的, 中文里都叫托管更合适, 因为他会接管通往我们域名的所有流量), 就是域名被 Cloudflare 托管(Domain Hosting)后, 若想更换域名的 DNS Record, 只需要在上图中的 edit 上修改 A record 就行了, 就是改成你的新的 VPS(服务器) 的 ipv4 地址, 不用去域名服务商那里修改 DNS Record 了, 因为在把域名托管给 Cloudflare 的时候已经在域名提供商那里把域名的 DNS 服务器设置成了 Cloudflare.

如何让 Cloudfalre 托管我们的域名:: Enable Coudflare Reverse Proxy - David’s Blog

另外如果使用了 cloudflare https 代理, 一般都是先修改域名的 NS 为 cloudfalre 指定的 NS, 但是有些电脑可能因为 DNS cache 问题, 通过 https 访问你的域名可能会失败, 此时应该尝试修改本地 DNS cache, 可以查一下 flush dns cache 的命令,

注意, DNS cache 一般 chrome 保存了一份, 操作系统也会保存一份, 因此两个地方都要考虑进去,

关于DNS: DNS Concepts (NameServer(NS), DNS Records and Caching) - David’s Blog

了解更多: HTTPS Works on some computers but not others? - Website, Application, Performance / Security - Cloudflare Community

其实这样有个好处, 就是别人无法通过你的域名接触到你的服务器, 因为每次请求你的域名, 都要经过 Cloudfalre 中转才能到你的服务器, 另外通过nslookup, dig也无法查到你服务器的真实IP, 返回的都是 Cloudflare 的IP.

Because of how Cloudflare works, all traffic to proxied DNS records pass through Cloudflare before reaching your origin server. This means that your origin server will stop receiving traffic from individual visitor IP addresses and instead receive traffic from Cloudflare IP addresses, which are shared by all proxied hostnames.

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