I choose a sqilte3 library which uses cgo, the Dockerfile:

FROM golang:alpine

COPY ./ ./
RUN go mod download
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o /server .

CMD ["./server"]

在使用 docker 运行 golang 相关的程序的时候, 我们需要先选择基础镜像, 比如: FROM golang:alpine, 编译 golang 源码的时候, 需要指定构建的目的系统和CPU架构, 比如: GOOS=linux, 此时 选择 GOOS=linux 是因为我们选择基础镜像是 golang:alpine 是 Linux 系统, 而 GOARCH=amd64 是因为宿主机 CPU 架构是 amd64, 容器里的程序只能跑在与宿主机 CPU 架构兼容的环境上,

When cgo is enabled, the binary may link dynamically to C libraries, which can add dependencies on system-specific libraries. Disabling cgo (by setting CGO_ENABLED=0) helps produce a more self-contained binary, making cross-platform deployment easier.

Learn more:

Static Linking Go Programs - David’s Blog

Cross Compilation - Go - David’s Blog

After build successfully and run image:

$ docker run -p 80:80 shwezhu/file-station:v1
2023/10/10 02:15:15 /app/main.go:12
[error] failed to initialize database, got error Binary was compiled with 'CGO_ENABLED=0', go-sqlite3 requires cgo to work. This is a stub

As you can see, apparently I will get an error, because my Go code use the go-sqlite3 package which implemented by pure cgo, if I disable cgo with CGO_ENABLED=0, this will wrong. Then I change the dockerfile to:

# Install gcc to compile cgo
RUN apk add --no-cache --update go gcc g++
RUN go build -o /server .

CMD ["./server"]

And build image with command:

$ docker build -t shwezhu/file-station:v2 .

There is an error when run the image on EC2 server:

$ docker run -p 80:80 shwezhu/file-station:v1
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64) and no specific platform was requested

Because my local machine is arm64, which means the image will be built to arm64 by default, but my EC2 server is linux/amd64, so there is an error occurred. With --platform, you can specify the platform this image built for:

$ docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t shwezhu/file-station:v2 .

Go is a statically compiled language. To execute a Go binary on a machine, it must be compiled for the matching operating system and processor architecture. So there is cross-compilation in Go. --platform is used to build multi-platform docker images, not build Go for another platform. You should know the difference between these concepts.