1. Install & run redis server#


$ brew install redis

Run Redis in the foreground:

$ redis-server

As an alternative to running Redis in the foreground, you can also start the process in the background:

$ brew services start redis

$ brew services stop redis

2. Connect to redis server#

Once Redis is running, you can connect it by running Redis Command Line Interface - redis-cli:

# run a client at terminal to connect Redis server
$ redis-cli

By default, redis-cli connects to the server at the address with port 6379. To specify a different host name or an IP address:

$ redis-cli -h redis15.localnet.org -p 6390

By default, redis-cli uses a plain TCP connection to connect to Redis. You may enable SSL/TLS using the --tls option, along with --cacert or --cacertdir to configure a trusted root certificate bundle or directory.

If the target server requires authentication using a client side certificate, you can specify a certificate and a corresponding private key using --cert and --key.

3. redis-cli MONITOR#

All commands received by the active Redis instance will be printed to the standard output:

$ redis-cli MONITOR
1692367745.525689 [0] "set" "name" "jack"
1692368601.032173 [0] "set" "name" "john"
1692368645.284030 [0] "get" "name"

This means you will get all the commands that your redis server received from clients, recall that redis-cli will connects to the server at the address with port 6379.

And if your application C1 use a Redis server S to save data, your another application C2 that connects to server S can get that data too. When you run redis-cli, it start a client, and you can input keys * to query all key saved on your Redis server.

Of course using Redis just from the command line interface(redis-cli) is not enough as the goal is to use it from your application. In order to do so you need to download and install a Redis client library for your programming language. You’ll find a full list of clients for different languages in this page.