
What is it?#

memo lets you skip re-rendering a component when its props are unchanged

const MemoizedComponent = React.memo(SomeComponent, arePropsEqual?)

It takes your original component as an input, and returns a new component with added optimization logic, which makes this new component will check if props changed before re-rendering.

There is a rule you should always keep in mind: By default, React rerenders a component and all its children whenever the parent component rerenders - even if the props haven’t changed.


Using memo on components with frequently changing props actually creates extra overhead - you’re paying the cost of props comparison while still ending up with a re-render anyway.

Memo should be treated as a performance optimization tool, not a default coding practice.

You should first identify actual performance issues through profiling, then apply memo strategically where needed, rather than using it everywhere. This aligns with the engineering principle that ‘premature optimization is the root of all evil’.
