Go 并发学习之实现一个 Worker Pool
有人认为Worker Pool在go里是anti-pattern, 不管怎样, 先实现一个简单版本来帮助理解Worker Pool的概念, 实现之前我们先看看传统的线程池相关的:
- 线程池的概念: 预先创建多个线程,线程池里的线程等待处理新来的任务,处理完之后线程并不会被销毁而是等待下一个任务。
- 使用线程池的原因: 创建和销毁线程都消耗系统资源,如果你的程序需要频繁地创建和销毁线程那这时候就可以考虑使用线程池来提高程序的性能。
注意以上这两点针对是OS级线程的创建销毁, goroutine模型并不是这样, 很轻量, 这也是不需要 worker poll 的原因,
另外线程池 thread pool 是不是 worker pool 看法不一, 下面这个描述感觉最贴切:
The worker pool pattern is a design in which a fixed number of workers are given a stream of tasks to process in a queue. Go Worker Pools
至于thread pool, 普遍看法是:
A thread pool reuses previously created threads to execute current tasks and offers a solution to the problem of thread cycle overhead and resource thrashing. Thread Pools Java
所以这么看, worker pool也算是一个basic thread pool, 即reuses previously created threads to execute current tasks,
用Go实现Worker Pool利用的是buffered channel的两个特性:即满的时候写入操作阻塞, 空的时候读取操作阻塞,
具体方法是提前创建多个 goroutines, 然后这些线程持续监听同一个buffered channel, 如果该channel是空的, 那他们就阻塞等待下一个任务的到来:
// var keysChannel = make(chan int, 6)
for key := range keysChannel {
resultsChannel <- doResearch(key)
上面这个程序就是遍历一个buffered channel, 如果该channel是空的, 那该段代码就会阻塞, 直到新的数据写入keysChannel
key := 0
for {
keysChannel <- key
上面这段程序即模拟持续产生数据写入到buffered channel: keysChannel
, 若keysChannel
满了, 那keysChannel <- key
之前看到一句话描述线程池说 once the threads finish the task assigned, they make themselves available again for the next task, 这句话在这就很有迷惑性, 其它语言不知道线程池具体怎么实现, 但是在go里根据上面我们讨论的, 根本没有所谓的make themselves (threads) available again for the next task, 即线程一直都在监听, 只是他们完成一个任务后就会接着完成下一个, 直到他们监听的那个buffered channel为空, 这时候他们是阻塞状态,
另外实现线程池还用到了一个struct, sync.WaitGroup
, 主要需要了解它的三个函数, wg.Add()
, wg.Done()
, wg.Wait()
, 其中wg.Add(1)
的counter加1, wg.Done()
使counter减1, 最后wg.Wait()
阻塞直到counter为0, 我们一般的逻辑是创建多个线程的时候, 每创建一个线程就调用wg.Add(1)
使counter++, 当线程要被销毁的时候调用wg.Done()
是counter–, 然后在main线程里的最后调用wg.Wait()
, 即等待所有线程执行完毕程序结束,
package main
import (
var keysChannel = make(chan int, 6)
var resultsChannel = make(chan string, 3)
func doResearch(key int) string{
// assume this research operation consumes a lot of time
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
return fmt.Sprintf("One research finished, original key is: %v", key)
func createWorkerPool(numOfWorker int) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// create numOfWorker of workers
for i := 0; i < numOfWorker; i++ {
// create a goroutine that looks like can be "reused" by listening keysChannel until keysChannel is closed
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// run forever until keysChannel is closed
// because when keysChannel is empty, this code get blocked not break loop
for key := range keysChannel {
resultsChannel <- doResearch(key)
// worker() is a function represents a goroutine, before return, we should make wg--
// when use channel, you have to figure out if you need to remind of other goroutines,
// if yes, figure out when to close
// when use sync.WaitGroup three operations you need to do: wg--, wg.Add(1), wg.wait()
// and don't forget to do wg--, otherwise the wg.wait() will never return
func main() {
// 1. keep listening the resultChannel until resultsChannel is closed
done := make(chan bool)
go func(done chan bool) {
for result := range resultsChannel {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", result)
done <- true
// 2. keep generating key every 1 sec
// Imagine this function can continuously generate a request from a client every sec
// And this request will be sent to keysChannel and will be processed by
// our one of our workers that keep listening the keysChannel
go func() {
key := 0
for {
keysChannel <- key
// 3. create worker pool, and until wg.Wait() in the last line of this function returns
// It's OK to leave a Go channel open forever and never close it.
// When the channel is no longer used, it will be garbage collected.
// Close a channel only when it is essential to
// inform the receiving goroutines that all data has been transmitted.
// close(done)