1. Sessions 状态管理#

JWT由三部分组成, Header, Payload, Signature, JWT 的 Header 和 Payload 部分是经过 Base64 URL 编码的, 本质上是“明文”的, 不适合在Payload中存储敏感信息, 只有Signature部分是经过加密的, 用于验证数据的完整性. 了解更多: https://jwt.io/

JWTs provide a means of maintaining session state on the client instead of doing it on the server.

With server-side sessions, you will either have to store the session identifier in a database, or else keep it in memory and make sure that the client always hits the same server.

Moving the session to the client means that you remove the dependency on a server-side session, but it imposes its own set of challenges.

  • Storing the token securely. (禁止 客户端 JS 代码访问 token, 可以把 token 放到 cookie 中, 然后设置该 cookie 为 HTTP only)
  • Transporting it securely. (后端设置 cookie, 只允许通过 HTTPS 传输)


2. AB 压测 大部分请求失败#

有时候测试会遇到大部分请求都显示失败, 可是实际服务端却是执行成功了, 可能一个原因是 ab 运行负载测试时,它默认会检查所有响应的长度是否一致。如果服务器返回的响应长度不一致,ab 会报错,认为测试结果不可靠。-l 选项允许 ab 忽略这些长度变化。了解更多