Commands Commonly Used in Linux
1. 常用命令#
$ scp -rp tls/* [email protected]:/root/tls/
$ nohup ./server -p 8080 &
$ uname -a # Displays all system information (kernel, hostname, version, etc.).
$ file server
$ otool # macOS tool for examining object files and executables.
$ xxd main.class # Display the contents in hexadecimal format.
$ chmod +x
$ ipconfig getifaddr en0 # check your ip on Mac
$ find themes/source/css -name "*header*" -type f
$ grep -nr 'ul$' themes/source/css # n: line number, r: recursive
$ git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph # "A Dog"
2. File System#
$ ls -lh folder_name
means “long listing format”:It displays detailed information about each file or directory, including: File permissions, Number of links, Group, File size, Last modification date/time.
: human-readable file sizes (e.g., 1K, 234M, 2G)
$ df -lh
: disk filesystem.
means “local file systems only”: It limits the output to local file systems, excluding any network or special file systems.
$ du -sh *
: disk usage.
: stands for “summarize”. It tellsdu
to display only a total for each argument (each item (folder, file) in the current directory).Without
:$ du -h downloads 4.0K downloads/file1.txt 8.0K downloads/videos/learn.mp4 12K downloads/videos/bbc.mp4 ...
:$ du -sh downloads 16K downloads
3. Monitor Commands#
$ netstat -anp
$ lsof -n -i # on OSX
Arc 1269 David 21u IPv4 0x91c91fd81e559 0t0 UDP>
: Displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics…
: Shows all connections and listening ports.-n
: Inhibits the conversion of network numbers to host names.-p
: Shows the PID and name of the program to which each socket belongs.
lsof -n -i
: Lists open files. In Unix-like systems, everything (including network connections) is treated as a file.
: Inhibits the conversion of network numbers to host names.
: Selects the listing of files any of whose Internet address matches the address specified. If no address is specified, this option selects all Internet and network files.
You can also use ps aux
to find a specific process by name, then use netstat
to find the ip and port of the process.
e.g., you can use netstat -anp | grep 8080
to find the PID of the process, so that you can kill it by kill PID
$ ps aux
: short for Process Status (PID: Process ID, COMMAND: The command with all its arguments).
: Show processes for all users, not just the current user.u
: Display the process’s user/owner.x
: Also show processes not attached to a terminal.
e.g., you can use ps aux | grep ./server
to find the PID of ./server
process, so that you can kill it by kill PID
$ systemctl list-units
$ systemctl list-units --type=service
$ systemctl start <service-name>
$ brew services list
$ brew services start mongodb-community
is a command-line tool used to manage services on Linux systems that use systemd*. For services like Apache2, Nginx, and MySQL,systemctl
allows you to: start, stop, and restart services.*Note: Systemd is a modern init system^ and system management daemon designed for Linux.
^Note: An init system is the first process started during boot in Unix-like operating systems. It initializes the system and manages services.
Systemd manages services running in the background (often called daemons). This includes starting, stopping, restarting, and monitoring the status of services.
But systemd actually does more than just manage services:
- Managing system state (like shutdown, reboot)
- Mounting filesystems
- Logging system events
4. Network Tools#
# -O write documents to FILE: download the file and save it into
wget -O
# The hyphen after -O tells wget to output the downloaded content to stdout (standard output) instead of saving it to a file.
wget -O-
# -q quiet, same as above but output nothing
wget -qO
# -c flag tells the shell to read commands from the string that follows it.
sh -c "$(wget -O-"
$ dstat
You did not select any stats, using -cdngy by default.
--total-cpu-usage-- -dsk/total- -net/total- ---paging-- ---system--
usr sys idl wai stl| read writ| recv send| in out | int csw
0 0 99 0 0| 30B 536B| 0 0 | 0 0 | 53 94
2 1 97 0 0| 0 0 |3089B 4156B| 0 0 | 95 238
3 1 95 0 1| 0 0 |5654B 4804B| 0 0 | 111 234
Test real time network IO and disk IO
option stands for “network”
option stands for “disk” or “device”
iperf3 -s -p 5202 # server
iperf3 -c server_ip_address -p 5202 # test the upload speed (client upload to server)
iperf3 -c server_ip_address -p 5202 -R # test the download speed (client download from server)
: speedtest-cli measures speeds to public servers, reflecting general internet performance to the user; iperf3 can perform tests between any two points, ideal for real performance between your local machine and remote server.So there is no suprise that the result of
is different fromspeedtest-cli
, usually quite slower than the resultspeedtest-cli