零碎知识 + 踩坑 - Python
1. Slicing makes shallow copy of a list#
I have talked this nature of slicing in previous post, currently I came across a weird behavior when improt a variable from another package.
messages = []
def with_user(msg: str) -> None:
def trim_last_two_messages() -> None:
global messages
print("in trim func, before trim, len of messages:" + str(len(messages)))
if len(messages) > 2:
messages = messages[:-2]
print("in trim func, after trim, len of messages:" + str(len(messages)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
from message import messages
from message import with_user
from message import trim_last_two_messages
print("main func, before trim:", messages)
print("main func, after trim:", messages)
The output is:
main func, before trim: ['hello', 'world', 'foo']
in trim func, before trim, len of messages:3
in trim func, after trim, len of messages:1
main func, after trim: ['hello', 'world', 'foo']
But what I expected is:
main func, before trim: ['hello', 'world', 'foo']
in trim func, before trim, len of messages:3
in trim func, after trim, len of messages:1
main func, after trim: ['hello']
- Importing
: When you importmessages
, you are importing a reference to the same list object that exists inmessage.py
. - Appending Messages: When you call
, it appends new messages to themessages
list. Bothmain.py
are still referring to the same list object. - Trimming Messages: In
, you are slicing themessages
list (messages = messages[:-2]
). This is where the key behavior occurs. Slicing a list in Python creates a new list object. So after this slicing operation,message.py
now points to a new list object, butmain.py
still points to the original list object.
Because of this, changes made to the list in message.py
(after the slicing operation) are not reflected in main.py
, as they are now two different list objects.
Correct way (change the function in message.py):
def trim_last_two_messages() -> None:
global messages
print("in trim func, before trim, len of messages:" + str(len(messages)))
if len(messages) > 2:
del messages[-2:]
print("in trim func, after trim, len of messages:" + str(len(messages)))
Change the code in main.py
import message
# use messages as this:
2. Performance of del
vs relicing
import timeit
# Test with a large list
large_list = list(range(1000000)) # a list with one million elements
def test_del_method():
temp_list = large_list.copy()
del temp_list[-2:]
def test_slice_method():
temp_list = large_list.copy()
temp_list = temp_list[:-2]
time_del = timeit.timeit(test_del_method, number=100)
time_slice = timeit.timeit(test_slice_method, number=100)
print(f"Time taken by del method: {time_del} seconds")
print(f"Time taken by slice method: {time_slice} seconds")
The output:
Time taken by del method: 0.312709417 seconds
Time taken by slice method: 0.683257708 seconds