java.lang.Object & java.lang.Class
1. java.lang.Object
public class Object {...}
The java.lang.Object
class is the root of the class hierarchy. Every class has Object
as a superclass. 所有的类(包括自定义类)都自动继承了类 java.lang.Object
, 你可以自己创建个类, 然后查看其对象可调用的方法, 如下:
可以看到一些方法如 equals()
, getClass()
, 这都是 Cat
继承自类 Object
public final Class<?> getClass()
了解更多: Object (Java Platform SE 8 ),
2. java.lang.Class
定义如下 (注意区分 Class
和 class
, 前者是类, 后者是关键字):
public final class Class<T>
extends Object
implements Serializable, GenericDeclaration, Type, AnnotatedElement
的, 所以没有类可以继承它, 而且它唯一的构造函数是私有的, 这意味着我们不能通过正常的方式来创建Class
的对象. -
是泛型类, 因此我们经常可以见到类似Class<?> xxx = cat.getClass()
2.1. java.lang.Class
其实刚开始一直想不明白类 java.lang.Class
到底是什么, 为什么存在?
因为在我的印象里, 一个泛型类一般都是作为 collection 存在, 如 ArrayList
, List
等, 他们使用泛型是为了代码的 reuse, 比如存 string, Integer, 等, 但是 java.lang.Class
呢? 它又不是 collection, 为什么要用泛型呢?
我现在的理解是 java.lang.Class
是一个类的包装器, 也是为了代码的 reuse, 查看 java.lang.Class
- getClassLoader(), getDeclaredMethods(), getFields()
class Employee extends Person {
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException {
Class<?> myClass = Employee.class;
System.out.println("Name: " + myClass.getName());
System.out.println("Simple name: " + myClass.getSimpleName());
System.out.println("Superclass: " + myClass.getSuperclass());
System.out.println("Interfaces: " + Arrays.toString(myClass.getInterfaces()));
System.out.println("Methods: " + Arrays.toString(myClass.getMethods()));
System.out.println("Fields" + Arrays.toString(myClass.getFields()));
不难发现所有的类都可以用到这些方法, 这也是反射的根基, runtime 的时候用来获取某个类的信息, 在介绍 java.lang.Object
的时候, Object
public final Class<?> getClass()
这个返回值 Class<?>
代表什么? 代表方法可以返回 getClass()
任何类型的对象, 如 Class<Integer>
, Class<String>
, or Class<Object>
. 你可能会反驳, 不是任何类型的对象啊, 你看你返回的是 Class<Integer>
而不可以返回 Integer
的对象, ummm, 别忘了前面说的, java.klang.Class
是作为一个类额包装器存在的, 为什么需要这样的一个类包装器? 因为反射机制,
Every time JVM creates an object , it also creates a
object that describes the type of the object . All instances of the same class share the samejava.lang.Class
object and you can obtain thejava.lang.Class
object by calling thegetClass()
method of the object. This method is inherited fromjava.lang.Object
class . 这里说的很晕各种 object, 比如一个类 Cat, 当你第一次创建 Cat 的对象时, 如 cat_1, 此时一个java.lang.Class
的对象就会被创建, 类型是Class<Cat>
用来描述类 Cat, 之后你想获得刚被创建的这个java.lang.Class
) , 你可以调用getClass()
方法, 即cat_1.getClass()
, 此时刚好说明了泛型 wildcard 的重要性, 即getClass()
, 否则当你再创建一个类的对象如 Dog 的时候, 难道还要再另重载个getClass()
函数吗? 即:public final Class<Cat> getClass()
,public final Class<Dog> getClass()
, 这也太离谱了,
When a class (say, Cat
) is accessed for the very first time (e.g., say an instance of it is created ~ new Hello()), then class loader (a component of JVM) loads it (the bytecodes) and creates an instance of java.lang.Class
that represents the class in context, i.e., Cat
. Thereafter, when you are creating an object of that same class (Cat
), this java.lang.Class
instance would be used by JVM to create the object. This java.lang.Class
object is also the entry point to use reflection and it can also be used to get meta-information about the class like the class name, super-class name, etc.
2.2. 为什么需要反射#
We need java.lang.Class.forName() and java.lang.Class.newInstance() because many times it happens that we don’t know the name of the class to instantiate while writing code , we may get it from config files , database , network or from any Java application . This is the reflective way of creating an object which is one of the most powerful feature of Java and which makes way for many frameworks e.g. Spring , Struts which uses Java reflection .
Can you create an object without using new operator in Java?
Class c = Class.forName("java.lang.String");
String object = (String) c.newInstance();
3. Creating a java.lang.Class
3.1. Class.forName()
Since class Class
doesn’t contain any constructor, there is static factory method present in class Class
, which is Class.forName()
, used for creating object of class Class
. Below is the syntax :
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
String nameOfClass = "Employee";
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(nameOfClass);
ClassLoader cLoader = cls.getClassLoader();
3.2. Myclass.class#
Please note that this method is used with class name, not with class instances.
3.3. obj.getClass()#
public final native Class<?> getClass();
A a = new A(); // Any class A
Class c = a.getClass();